
Plastic People

About Tom
Stories and Poems
Articles of Interest

We all know them and some don't realize that they are them.
So what are plastic people?
Usually they are the ones that are always happy when in a crowd.
The ones you look at and wonder if they have any problems at all.
Well......where there is light there is darkness. It's the law of the universe.
Plastic People basically have no identity. They go through life sweeping everything under the carpet, never solving anything, thinking that, " Oh this'll never happen to me." When they read something bad in the paper.
They always look at how their neighbours live and what they own. Then they make fun of it, judge it, and later that same week they go out and do or buy the same thing.
Interesting how it is these people that are truly miserable inside BUT...........................They don't even know it.
Because they don't know any different.
They always need to be associated with a certain circle. Live in a Posh area, wear what everyone's wearing, and drive what everyone's driving.
When talking to a plastic person you'll find that they always think they are better than you and when you do better than them they resent it.
The type of people that judge others because they don't live like they do. Don't get me wrong, this article is nothing but judgemental but it's here to prove a point.
In life there are more important things than money but you need money to buy them. For instance, lets say you wanted to own a flower shop in the country and have a very flexible schedule. Would that be possible if you didn't have money?
But when you use money to satisfy yourself materialistically then you truly have no character.
You are a House, Car, Watch, Suit, and shoes. Hiding behind name brands because you are afraid to find out who you really are.
How do I know these people so well? I was one of them.
But youo know the universe has a way of balancing itself out and correcting what needs to be fixed. At least it did with me.
The universe spoke to me through a depression. It made me step back and analyze who I truly am. What did this lead to?
  • Career Change
  • Start of new business
  • got to know myself tremendously well
  • ended several toxic relationships
  • focused more on what I'm doing versus what others are doing.

And it has changed my life forever.

My depression was the best thing that ever happened to me. I found myself and since I've become a better man, father, husband, and martial artist.

Most people are afraid to step out and try something different, these people never grow. They never really understand themselves fully and these are the people that read these pages and say."I don't know what I'm talkng about."

Don't I?

Humour me.

Tonight before going to bed look at yourself in the mirror and ask,"Who is (Your name), Who am I?"

Look directly into your eyes when saying this and if can't come up with something in the first 3 minutes then you don't know who you are.

No need to get upset as most people don't have a clue who they are.

BTW answers like:

  • beautiful
  • handsome
  • smart
  • sexy
  • etc

Do not count. You have to dig deeper.

Do you know why you like what you like?

Why you dislike what you dislike?

Why you judge what you judge?

Think about it carefully? Are you a plastic person? or do you live your life the way you want to?

I can tell you that I am 37, I love to play on my PS3, write stories, woodworking, listen to Heavy Metal and Marilyn Manson and I don't really care what you think.

Can you truly say the same? Or are you the type of person that makes fun of a guy like me but behind close doors you are the same way?

Who knows themselves better?

People with low self esteems will generally be arrogant. Why?

Because they have to pretend they have everything undercontrol, especially to you. They need to cover up the truth but the problem is that while they hide it from you they believe themselves that it doesn't even exist.

They've pretended for such a long time that they have forgotten who they are.

So as I said.......Humour me and look in the mirror.

If you're brutally might be surprised with ehat you will find.



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