
Happy Christmas??
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Happy Christmas??

Sunday Dec. 21st, 2008
We took the kids to go see the nutcracker today. Terrible weather. Snowing all day. We got there safely I was tired and hungry. Went to the press booth to get our tickets and then I told my wife that I can't take it anymore I have to eat!
Off to the food courts we went I had some Tiki Ming and the girls had hot dogs and fries. We ate, laughed and I felt a calmness come over me as the MSG started to hit my system. :)
We were running late and only had time to finish half our food. Stacy took the kids to the washroom and I was picking up the trays to throw them out.
I then suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Excuse me", said a man that looked like he had been unwashed, unshaven, and dirt poor for a long time.
I immediatley thought to myself, " Leave me alone I don't have any spare change"
Then he asked me, " Are you going to throw that out? May I have it?"
A sense of guilt came over me.
Here I was driving in my car safe and warm to arrive to an underground parking lot inorder to watch the Nutcracker grand Ballet. All the while complaining of my hunger and having to be stuck in dowtown traffic and wondering if I'll be home when my $2000 gym equipment will arrive on Tuesday. while this guy has no home to go to no money to by food and probably no one to love. We take many things in our lives for granted.
I told him that he can have my food and I gave him $20.
I realized how much pride this man had to sacrifice to ask another man for his leftovers. And what courage he must have had to even approach me with the possibility of me saying no and even being mean to him. And what strength he has to be able to live on the street.......alone with no one to care for.
A fine example he can teach to many people. I wished him a merry christmas and told him that I hope he wasn't going to be alone for the holidays.
He replied to me , " It's ok to be alone when you love yourself but when I meet people like you it give's me hope that the world is still a little pure. Enjoy the holidays."
Many times we see a homeless person as a bum, a useless individual, some who should get a job. But we know very little about these people and the reason they are where they are.
So Roger. although I may never see you again I wish you many more happy days and a promise that I make to myself is that I will be at the Tiki Ming in Centre Desjardins every year on the 21st of Dec. Not for the nutcracker but waiting for Roger or someone in his predicament that needs a little compassion. 
Even if it's just for 5mins.