
Toxic People
About Tom
Stories and Poems
Articles of Interest

by Tom Fidas

In order to understand the human mind, one must read, analyze
and try to understand behavior. The word "Toxic" is not
mine, it was introduced by a Ph.D. along with the
information below which is based on my research of the subject.
So truthfully does it reflect the personal trauma existing in
my life at the present.

A toxic person is someone who seeks to destroy you. They rob you
of your self esteem and dignity and poison the essence
of who you are.
They wear you down to the point of making you physically
or mentally ill. They are not life supporting.
They only see the negative in you.
Being jealous and envious they are not happy to see
you succeed. They get hostile when you are doing well.
Their own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy
cause them to sabotage your efforts to work in a happy
and productive environment.
It makes it even worse when they are given the power to
be spiteful and malicious with every person under
their command. Such a pity.
Degrading comments echo over and over in the victims mind.
Negative words hurt, maim and destroy the psyche.
Rude words are spoken for a variety of reasons,
because one is having a bad day or because they
can't stand you. All reasons are felt and
definitely hurt. One cannot taunt or demean people
for their entire lives and expect to get away with
it, the time comes when they must face responsibility
for their actions. They must be made to know that
their words can never be forgotten.

Criticism is good, when offered with kind words in a helpful
tone however, when criticized without having your best
interest at heart, a toxic person derives pleasure from
telling you what is wrong with you.
Perhaps when someone is critical of you, they should examine
their reasons for doing so. People who behave better with
strangers then the people close to them, usually lack self esteem.
Toxic people hate you when you succeed, they also hate you
when you fail. Toxic people come in many shapes and sizes.

One definition of a toxic person comes from a great philosopher, Confucius,
from the fifth century B.C. who said "feared and hated a bully may be,
most often no one will obey his orders, and nothing can make others
respect them enough to do their bidding willingly".
There were toxic people two thousand years ago, just as there are today.
If a person is toxic it should not be my fault. What should be a concern
is that I be treated with the dignity and respect that I deserve.
Being around a toxic person, makes one subject to a wearing down of one's
physical resistance. By repressing one's anger at a toxic persons behavior
and not confronting the issue with them, one can develop serious and
sometimes fatal illnesses.

A person who feels constant stress, hostility and negative emotion is at high
risk for heart attacks and cancer. Research on the subject has been confirmed.
The average person maybe shocked to hear of demeaning behavior from someone
they have known a long time. That is because toxic people are not toxic to
everyone, therefore their toxic behavior is not revealed or directed at some
who are close to them.
It is important to reserve judgement when someone fills your head with
disparaging comments about someone you respect and believe in, but at
the same time, do not ignore the entire idea.

To challenge the situation is very difficult, but keeping the pain
and humiliation in and not expressing it to others.
In particular, a solution is to express on paper or verbally the facts
as best as possible to a superior who is in a position to... NOT confront
the toxic person, but to reassure the victim, that the are doing the job
they were hired to do and they should have no fear of being fired or laid off.
Then...a barrier of indifference to a toxic person can be tolerated and a safe
haven is provided for the victim.


How do you stop them?

Forget them and move on. Life is too short to waste on these people. Simply put, " If someone does not make you feel good let them know. If they don't change eliminate them from your life and move on."