
Do you really want to retire early?
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Do you really want to retire early?

Many people including myself want to retire early. Why?

Is it because they’re fed up of their Jobs?

Looking for a career change?

Confused about where they’re going?

Unhappy with their present situation?

To take time off and smell the roses?

Whatever the reason people want to stop working for a living - BUT - did you know that most people do not have a plan when they retire and of those people, 90% are unhappy in their retirement. Some to the point of depression.

Why should you have a plan?

First of all you need a plan to see if you fit into it. Will the things you want to do keep you busy forever?

In my case the answer is no. I took 7 months off and lived as though I was retired to see what it would be like. I woke up in the morning went to the gym, came back home and ran a few errands, went out with my wife(who was also home at the time), worked on my hobbies, got together with friends, took a few trips, enjoyed the sun, etc.

Sounds great huh? Oh it was…..Except for one thing that was missing.


I had no drive, nothing to keep me busy. That’s when I decided to get into woodworking and it has changed my life. You see I do woodworking because I like it not because I have to, there is a big difference there. Can you imagine if you won the lottery tommorow? Would you stay in the same line of work? If the answer is yes then you are in the right field.

I now understand why middle class people want to retire early and the ultra rich keep working. It’s because people who have money know how to make it work for them and they focus their energy on their dreams and goals while the average person is busy spreading rumors and judging how people live. Truly successful people enjoy what they do and are confident with themselves.

As for retiring early? It’s simple live below your means and find something that will take care of your expenses, and leave you with a little left over to get by. It could be through real estate, small business, or other investments.

Anybody can retire early if they want to, it’s not an impossible feat. It just takes proper planning and reading a lot of books.

Just make sure you know what you want before you retire and you’ll never be unhappy but maybe when you get there and you have the option to stop working you won’t want to. I know I don’t.

by Tom Fidas