
Live your life!
About Tom
Stories and Poems
Articles of Interest

LIfe only comes around once and if you don't do what you want there's no turning back.
One major key in leading a miserable life is trying to please everybody, the only people you should be pleasing is your wife/husband and kids if any.
Your family should be a great part of your life, but what is family?
In my eyes family are the people that accept you as you are and do not judge you for who you are and what you like.
My life is very important to me and I value it a great deal this is why I enjoy spending time with good friends,seeing different places, and experiencing all that life has to offer. To me life is more than material things and money, I have met people with tons of money that are unhappy and people who are broke that have an incredible zest for life! Why?  Attitude.
You are what you think you are. I try to enjoy my life by involving people who make me feel good about myself. If you dislike someone avoid them! Can you imagine going through life spending time with someone that get you upset or tries to hurt you each time he/she sees you? Yuck!
Everyone's life should be full of happiness. Some people say thats impossible but the truth is that it's not what happens to you it's how you handle it. Although sometimes difficult you need to explore yourself to know what you want, how can you know if something is good for you if you have not tried it or atleast explored it.
These days many people are to focused on work and not enough play. Life's too short. I believe strongly in investing for the future but equally believe in spending the return.
The bottom line is that if you don't live your life someone else will.
                                                                                   Tom Fidas