
Save money or just make more?
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Attention!!!  Penny pinchers, bean counters and the like! You may or may not find this offensive. Nothing personal it's just my opinion.

People always say " save your pennies for a rainy day" well this could have a great deal of truth to it but how much do you really need to save? When is it enough? Will a million dollars in the bank make you richer?
I believe in making my money work for me, it takes longer this way but it's far more effective. Some people consider themselves financial wizards because they can save money or they know how to shop and save....big deal. Real wealth is not made by saving your money it is made by making it work for you and spending it wisely. Of course its good to have some emergency cash on the side let's say about 50,000 should cover most emergencies right?
Now what ever amout you have over that can be invested anyway you like as long as there is a solid guaranteed return on your investment. Lets say your investment gets you a 10% return on your money. Great!! so if you have 100,000 at a 10% return that's 10,000 per year!!!
Now that 10,000 is your reward spend it, give it away whatever because you know it's coming back next year.
There are many ways to make money and I am in the process of writing a book on ways that I have made money and continue to do so.  I am by no means a millionaire but I lead a very comfortable lifestyle with no major debt.
Many people save their money all their lives and live a below average life then they die and leave it all to their kids who spend it in a flash. Too bad!
 There's nothing wrong with denying yourself 2-5 years of pleasure to make money but when you're hitting 10-20 years of no real pleasure it can be lonesome , in fact many people fall into depression.
So make it and spend it so long as it's coming from a return on your investment.
Just my 2 cents,
Tom Fidas