
To change or not to change
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Changing careers and/or lifestyles is it possible?

I did it so it is possible but I'll tell you one thing - it's NOT easy.
I spent a great deal of time switching around from job to job trying to find something that I like. I was always in the same industry ofcourse but I got tired of doing the same thing all the time so I decided to change. Simple right?! I wish.
It took me 3 years to decide that I was going to change careers and it sounded so good until I gave notice to my boss at BMW and left what could've possibly been the greatest job I ever had.

When I did leave I was excited I had the world in the palm of my hands and then reality hit - My wife was pregnant, we had expenses and I was going to take a woodworking course!
I spent many days worrying, many days being scared, and many days getting angry at people who were only trying to help but no one could understand what I was going through. I thought that if I could just make a change that my life would become better and guess what!  It did.
When I was in my course I started disliking it and losing interest because I was taking on jobs while I was in school so I really had no interest in school anymore but I knew I had to finish so I did.
When I graduated I landed a job at a very reputable aerospace plant as a woodworker and my business took off quite rapidly. Now I am looking for a bigger place to work out of.
Why am I telling you all this?
Because life is what you make it, if you don't like what you're doing get out of it! Money is'nt everything...people think that it's ok to do something you don't like as long as you make enough money to buy the things you want. B***S***T!!! 

Material things only last so long before you need new ones - it's a vicious circle that keeps you from getting to know who you are. In life we need to explore ourselves to get to know ourselves

Someone once told me that all they see in me are the things I have acheived and the things that I own - not the person I am. This is what changed me.

If you're looking to make a change in your life you can do it if you plan well enough, and don't worry about what people will say. Many people will judge others for changing jobs frequently or having new ideas but keep in mind that people who judge other people are envious and weak. Think about it....if they were comfortable with themselves would they really care about what other people are doing? The answer is no. I got to understand this while meeting so many people in network marketing.

Being in Network Marketing allowed me to see how different  people live and think and let me tell you after being in that business it changed the way I look at the world and my life.

Today I have a great job a great wife, 2 beautiful daughters, a growing business, and peace of mind. - You see once you make a change for the first time in your life then other changes are easy and you accept them because you know the outcome will be good in most cases.

Someone once told me, "Do what you love and the money will come"

That is so true, when you're passionate about what you do you don't look at the clock. More and more young people today are talking about retirement, I know i was, but it's because they are miserable and don't like what they do. Ask someone who loves their occupation if they want to retire and see what they will say.

People will always judge you, they judged me by saying things like: He can't hold a job, he's unstable, etc. Ignore it!!!!  You don't need to listen to stupid comments from anyone, today my plan is on track and I don't pay any attention to negative comments. Think of it this way...How are you supposed to move up in your career without changing jobs several times in your career?  Look at any successful person and see what they've done.

Remember life is too short to do things you don't like with people you can't stand.

So if you're tired of what you do - Change!!  It promotes growth.



Tom Fidas


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